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What Covid-19 did for a Local Video Production Company

So what did covid-19 do for a corporate video production company in Singapore?

A bizarre title you might think, but here is our story.

As we bid farewell to 2020, it is an excellent time to reflect on all the positive changes that have been born and that will continue to affect the world in 2021. We are not stating that 2020 has been great. What we will focus on is one particular positive(for us at least), which is: Remote Engagement.

The Digital Transformation

Amidst the covid-19 pandemic, we have seen a digital transformation that has benefitted us in many ways, and we predict more will embrace the change in 2021. As a matter of fact, will foresee so much more next year than what we experienced in 2020.

In July 2020, a company in Dubai commissioned us to produce a corporate video for their organisation. Initially, we thought it would be quite a task to create a corporate video for a client thousands of kilometres away. We are after all a Singapore video production company.  But we soon found out that it was not difficult at all.

The Production Process

They had all the clips shot in March, and they put the project on hold till June when they enquired about our services. We sent them our portfolio link and an invite link to upload their footage onto our high-speed server, viewed their clips, and shared our thoughts on how their corporate reel should look. We agreed on the professional fee, received the confirmation fee, and we started work immediately.

The first thing on the list was for us to go through all the information we have about the client: corporate marketing brochures, presentation files, info on their website etc. We came up with the script, and the client was pretty happy with the first draft our scriptwriter wrote. Sent them three of our best voice-over samples and they were good with two of the talents. We got the script recorded and began our video editing process.

covid-19 local video production company

Once we completed post production, we uploaded it on our Vimeo account. Client watched it, and because we have a Vimeo pro account, the client was able to indicate the changes to be made or leave a comment in the portal. All they need to do is pause at any particular segment of the video that requires a change and type in their comments. They were also able to share the video content with their team, and everyone could contribute towards the video’s success. Easy peasy!

A New Beginning

Since then, we have rendered our corporate video production service to five other clients from Europe and the Middle East. Two of them had their own clips for their corporate videos, two wanted us to use clips from our stock library to create content for their social media, and one got us to arrange for filming done in the UK for their brand video. Filming was not difficult as we have connections with video crews at every corner of the globe (this is an exaggeration, we don’t know anyone in the North and South Pole).  For this particular production, we engaged the production services of a production agency in Stratford.

The remote engagement practice happened out of necessity. Thanks to the internet, the world has become a smaller place. Covid-19, on the other hand, made people realise that anyone and everyone can get things done from anywhere in the world. Also, because of technology and the availability of portals such as Vimeo and, it has made engaging video production companies outside your country possible. For the production companies managing the projects, it is a much easier task.

By 2021, more organisations worldwide will fully embrace cloud and its many benefits for their business—especially for their ability and their team to access and comment on videos produced by their creative team from anywhere in the world.  Remote work arrangement is now a norm not just within Singapore but on a global level.

Live Streaming

The event industry took a bad beating during this crisis and getting speakers and even in some occasion entertainers on screen has been quite a trend lately.  We saw that the competition did heightened for this form of video production services and we decided against getting into it.  We did however render our service to a few event companies to create motion graphics for a few of their live events and a good number of promos for social media marketing for online conferences.

In Conclusion

Overall, it will take time for the economy, in general, to return to the level of 2019, and the European economy will struggle to return to pre-disease levels in 2021 entirely. We suspect that in the first quarter of 2021, companies will start preparing for an improved economy. Whether or not covid looks like it’s staying put or the vaccines proved themselves safe and efficient.  However for Singapore, it all depends on how the government sticks to their idea of living with Covid.

The good news is that there will not be significant global shocks, and these events will give us a plan for 2021. We will have to decide what kind of world we want to build after the pandemic, but the lessons of covid-19 in 2020 will help us prepare for the new year, hoping that we will gladly return to our pre-covid era soon. We will face further tests in 2021, despite the meagre promise of the vaccines.

As 2020 has shown, no one can say for sure what 2021 will bring, but some forecasts are encouraging based on the top world marketers’ data and research. What excites us most is seeing how video marketing will dominate in the coming years both in Singapore and globally and therefore, the need for video production companies like ours.  So if you need create content, do contact us for quality service and probably the best experience you will ever have. 

Once again, happy to wave goodbye to 2020. Wishing everyone a happy new year and looking forward to a better, safer and sane 2021.