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Video Production Singapore

hire a video production company

Why Hire A Video Production Company?

Why hire a Professional video production company? by capital M productions Why hire an expert when you can do it on your own? When the earliest filmmakers created the first moving pictures in the 1900s, they certainly couldn’t have imagined that it would be one of the most widely accessible mediums in the world in a short couple of centuries. Not only can we within the 21st century see video… Read More »Why Hire A Video Production Company?

get started in video production

How To Get Started in Video Production

How To Get Started in Video Production. by capital M productions Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Some of you may have stumbled upon this article, you are not in the industry, but you are really keen, and you wish you have the know-how to be in the video production industry. One way to accomplish that mission is to get into a Film & Broadcast School. That’s… Read More »How To Get Started in Video Production