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Why Corporate Video is Important for Businesses.

corporate video presentation

What is a Corporate Video?

Corporate video refers to all video communications used for internal or external corporate messaging. The target audience is one way in which corporate videos differ from traditional video advertising. Video produced for corporate purposes is often aimed at a specific audience rather than the general public. A corporate video can be made to highlight new company initiatives or to present financial results to stakeholders. Corporate videos may also include employee training videos and promotional videos for new products or services. 

The most important perks to corporate videos

Even without going into all of the reasons possible, these important perks are reason enough to understand just what corporate video is going to do for you!

It shows that you’re a true pro looking to make it.

When you choose to invest in professional video production, it communicates your professionalism to your customers and your competition.  Going professional shows that you, as a brand, are professional too and that you are out for the “kill” as far as overtaking your competition and earning customers.  Plus, customers themselves also love a well-produced video because it shows them that they’re going with the right professionals, too.  In other words, your customers know you are serious, and you mean business.

Customers love to watch and share videos with their friend.

Since customers enjoy watching videos in the first place, they’re likely to watch your videos and then, if they like them, share those with their friends.  No matter how good your written content is or how funny your photos are, it’s always going to be the video content that they’ll share because they know their friends will love it too!   Let’s not forget the fact that the average person spends 84 minutes a day watching video online.  It is doubtful that the numbers will decrease soon.  

Search engines prioritize video content.

Corporate videos are also going to be a great purpose simply for SEO purposes!  Having corporate videos that are properly tagged and located on your landing pages, etc. is going to boost your search engine ranking and decrease your bounce rate. Since search engines are constantly looking for how to make the searcher’s experience better, they prioritise those who meet the keywords searched and have video content, because they know — you guessed it — that searchers prefer video content!  Social media, like Instagram, also prioritise video contents.  Your videos will get more reach than just a picture post.  Check out video content gets the most engagement on Instagram.

Videos are memorable.

When done properly and professionally, both video production and video editing make for a finished product that is going to be memorable and is bound to leave an impact on the viewer/customer.  Since your customer can’t come to you if they don’t remember you in the first place, this will obviously be a top priority!  

While it’s tempting to go with other marketing focuses, such as web content and social media marketing — both of which are crucial — you also need to dedicate time and effort to video content marketing or video marketing as some prefer to call it. While there is still a place for those other two mentioned, it’s expected that video content will continue to be the preferred method and media to connect with potential clients and get them to convert into sales.  After all, there’s a reason why search engines prioritize video content.  Just do a quick search on Videos for search engine optimization, and you will be flooded with statements telling you the same. 

Make sure you give yourself the best edge on the competition by prioritizing professionally created video content that will dazzle your viewers, increase your internet ranking, and outshine your competition fair and square.  You better hope they are not reading this article too!

Making a Corporate Video

1. Types of Corporate Video

Corporate videos have different purposes, and they shouldn’t all be the same. For example, some of the best corporate videos are designed to attract new customers, while others are designed to attract new employees. Some videos are intended to sell a specific product or service, while others may aim to raise awareness of your company’s brand as a whole. Consider carefully what information your company has to offer and how the story can be presented through video. A customer testimonial can be a great way to showcase your products and customer service and showcase the value of your company.

Employee testimonials are also an effective tool for recruiting new employees. Detailed product descriptions are helpful for prospective buyers to gain a deeper understanding of a product—explainer video or “How To” video or animation can demonstrate your knowledge and experience in your field. Perhaps you can even dive into the idea of creating a short documentary highlighting your product and a client.

2. Develop a plan

Filmmaking may baffle you, but small business owners will likely be familiar with the logistics. The skills to produce are innate if you have ever had to ensure that something gets done. Don’t rush into your video since a well-thought-out plan is at the heart of getting things done. Having decided the purpose of the video, identify who in the organization should be involved? What are the resources from outside that is needed? How much money will be required? What’s the timeline?

This is just a few sample of the initial questions you need to ask, but having a plan means considering what tasks need to be completed, how they will be accomplished, who will execute them, and when they will be accomplished. It would be best if you didn’t try to do it all yourself. Finding the right people in the company who are interested in creative expression through video or hiring professionals is imperative, as video is a collaborative medium.

3. Find stories that interest and inspire your audience.

If you think of the messages that will support your video’s purpose, realize that not all stories are created equally. The emotional pull of some can be greater than that of others, some can be funnier, and some can be action-packed. Video production is time- and money-consuming, and there is no point in spending money on a bad video. Think about the message you want to put across and the strongest ones as you plan your video. Those testimonials from exciting or interesting industries will be more valuable than those from more conventional sectors.

Do you need to hire? The employees who are comfortable speaking in front of the camera and who are supporters of their large companies are more likely to do well on camera. Are you worried that your skills don’t apply to a “how-to”? Find a way to relate your skill to everyday problems or topics. For example, an accountant can explain how to organize financial data or handle tax questions. Imagine how your company’s experiences and knowledge can lead to exciting video experiences for consumers. Be short and sweet!

4. Production value is essential, but it doesn't have to be Hollywood-level

No one expects your company video to look like an ad for Apple or a Spielberg’s blockbuster movie. We are not out to win an Oscar. But that doesn’t mean it needs to look like your nephew shot it on an iPhone. Corporate video production must be invested in if you want them to make an impact, as with any other marketing measure.

Hire a professional to ensure quality production. You probably have more than a few choices for video producers contact within your budget and in your area in today’s competitive video production market. Search online, find their websites, look through their portfolio for corporate video examples, find a team whose style you like, and talk about budgets and ideas with them. Some video production companies will handle everything from conception to post-production, while others may ask you to develop the concept while they do the production and post-production. Look for a company that works with your needs.

5. Get Your Video Out for all to see

You need to launch your video effectively now that you have created it and are ready to share it with the world. Many filmmakers will say that movies aren’t complete until an audience sees them. Video content is no different. The best corporate videos are worthless if it’s viewed by a few. Don’t become so engrossed in the production aspect that you abandoned distribution and marketing. Remember, the professionals will see through the production on your behalf.

Along with hosting the most videos on the internet, YouTube is also the second most popular search engine, following Google and sometimes TikTok. Its results often show up in Google searches. Promoting your videos is just as important as hosting them. Share your videos on Facebook, Twitter, your company blog, website, and your email list. Occasionally posting video clips can be appreciated if you don’t spam people with too many updates.  Check out our blog article 6 Video Marketing Trends in 2021 to get a better idea on what you can do with your videos on social media.

Consider pitching your videos to publications other than your social media, significantly smaller industry publications that may need video content. Even bigger publications might feature your video, but regardless of the size, getting your video on an online magazine means that people who don’t know you are learning about your company. With these essential tips in mind, start brainstorming and then start producing. So, ready to create?

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