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Training Videos

corporate video presentation

Why Corporate Video is Important for Businesses

Corporate video refers to all video communications used for internal or external corporate messaging. The target audience is one way in which corporate videos differ from traditional video advertising. Video produced for corporate purposes is often aimed at a specific audience rather than the general public. A corporate video can be made to highlight new company initiatives or to present financial results to stakeholders. Corporate videos may also include employee training videos and promotional videos for new products or services. 

training video

Creating Effective Training Videos

Creating Effective Training Videos​ Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on reddit Share on pinterest Training videos is constantly one of the most popular types of content out there, and it only continues to get more popular as time goes on.  Nowadays, training video content gets more focus than many other contents — especially when it comes to the idea of training.  But why?  And how… Read More »Creating Effective Training Videos